What Actually Causes Muscle Soreness?

Lactic Acid does NOT cause muscle soreness- it’s a myth!

I’m a licensed massage therapist, and I get asked all the time, “What actually causes muscle soreness?”

For years, most people thought muscle soreness was caused by lactic acid buildup. But actually, this theory was recently disproven by multiple different scientific studies! 

Doctors now think muscle soreness is caused by small tears in the muscle fiber, which then swell with lymph fluid and become painful. 

This theory explains why massage is so helpful for sore muscles! Massage manually disperses lymph through the muscles while relaxing and increasing blood flow to them, which helps with the speed of healing. 

If your horse is in a downward spiral of soreness and pain,  I know it’s making you feel hopeless and helpless. I want to empower you to massage your own horse and leave behind muscle soreness for good, so that you and your horse can live up to your full potential!


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